Everybody wants their home to have great reflection of themselves in it, but finding the right color for the exterior of your home can turn out to be quite the task. To help out with this task, I found this great article that uses the FRESH technique. In this technique, every letter stands for a tip to help battle the complexity of exterior painting.
The “F” stands for fixed features. The fixed features of a home include foundation materials, roofing materials, decks, porches, etc. The article basically says that even though each of your fixed features may be different material, they should all have one similar color or undertone. Picking a color that is the same hue or shade for your exterior color is always a safe bet.
The “R” stands for regional colors. Depending on where you live, the regional colors change. Like a terra cotta house might look silly in the Northern Region but fit right in in the Southern Region. Many things influence regional colors, such as: the climate, topography, landscape, etc. You will want to take the regional colors and the colors of other houses in your neighborhood into account when painting. Find a happy medium between those colors and a color that is unique to you and you will love the result.
The “E” stands for Environment Surroundings. This refers to the The natural setting and landscaping surrounding your home. Is your lot is surrounded by trees or bare? Do you live in a suburban or rural area? These factors will help with the type of colors you choose for your house.
The “S” stands for style of home. Traditional, Tudor, Cape Cod, Ranch, Victorian, the list of different types of houses goes on and on. The color and materials of your house should compliment the style and architecture of your house.
The “H” stands for historic colors. If you are into a historic look for your house, the article has some links that can help you with that decision as well.
If you would like to read more about this technique you can find the article at: http://www.squidoo.com/exteriorpaintcolors. I hope this helps you find the perfect color for the exterior of your home and if you have any other questions don’t hesitate to give CertaPro Painters a call!